LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Ahmed Ag Albachar

Born: 31 December 1963;

Place of Birth: Tin-Essako, Kidal region, Mali;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Mali;

National ID No.: 16308401001005E (Mali);

Address: Quartier Aliou, Kidal, Mali;

Known also as: Intahmadou Ag Albachar.

Ahmed Ag Albachar, the self-proclaimed president of a humanitarian commission, has intimidated and extorted aid organizations in Mali’s Kidal region, severely hindering their work.

Ag Albachar has controlled which humanitarian projects take place, as well as the projects’ location, timing, and who implements them.

Ag Albachar has also usurped a significant share of humanitarian aid in the Kidal region by imposing illegitimate constraints on humanitarian actors under the threat of violence.

Ahmed Ag Albachar is also the co-owner of Timitrine Voyage transport company, one of the few transport companies that NGOs are authorised to use in Kidal.

Ag Albachar, together with a dozen of other transport companies owned by a small clique of influential Ifoghas Tuareg notables, usurps a significant share of humanitarian aid in Kidal.

Moreover, the monopoly position maintained by Ag Albachar, renders aid delivery in certain communities more difficult than others.

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