Al-Nujaba and Hezbollah deployed forces on the northern front of Israel

Al-Nujaba and Hezbollah deployed forces on the northern front of Israel

In a report, the Jerusalem Institute of Strategy and Security called for the increase of propaganda against the Shiite Resistance Groups.

Yossi Mensharov, the top analyst of the said institute and the writer of this report has written, “Through the attempts made by the commanders of the IRGC, the ideal of Imam Khomeini has reached the point of Israel being threatened by the transnational Shiite militia.”

The report adds, “Hezbollah together with the Iraqi al-Nujaba have deployed forces in the northern border of Israel, moreover, the Yemeni Ansarallh is another threat against Israel now.”

Mensharov continues, “The leaders of the Iraqi and Yemeni groups have repeatedly stated that they stand by [Sayyed] Hassan Nasrollah if any war occurs between Hezbollah and Israel in the northern front.”

In the next part of the report, the analyst of the Zionist Jerusalem Institute recommends the Israeli officials to undermine the position of the Resistance groups in Muslim countries through resorting to psychological operations.

Source: Mehr News