LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Al-Omqy Company for Caravans and Precast Houses

Website: http://alomqyhouse.com.jasmine.arvixe.com;

E-mail: eng.redan@gmail.com or alomqyhouse@gmail.com;

Telephone: +967-777722184 or +967-7772411040;


This company builds and provides precast houses for various purposes.

Al-Omgy Company for Caravans and Precast Houses is a company controlled by the Al-Omgy Family. Al-Omgy family has a large business in different markets and sectors.

Its owners Muhammad Salih Abd-Rabbuh Al-Omgy and Said Salih Abd-Rabbuh Al-Omgy, are designated for providing financial support of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

Is Al-Omgy Company for Caravans and Precast Houses used by the Al-Omgy Family for financing terrorism, as the designated Al-Omgy Brothers Money Exchange?

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