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LLL - GFATF - Ibro Cufurovic

Ibro Cufurovic


Born: 1995;

Place of Birth: Donja Slapnica, Velika Kladusa, Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Bosnian;

General Info:
Ibro Cufurovic, born in Donja Slapnica (municipality of Velika Kladusa) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a Islamic State member who is currently in custody.

The accused is charged to have on 21 April 2014 left Bosnia and Herzegovina and traveled to Turkey, from where he illegally crossed the border and entered the territory of Syria, where he joined the Islamic State, which was declared as a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council.

The accused spent almost five years in the above-mentioned area i.e. until 20 April 2019 and had, together with other persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina who had stayed in Syria with the same intent, while using the name Abu Kasim Albosni, participated in terrorist activities, aided and fought on the side of the so-called Islamic State forces in Syria in the unit named Beit Commandoes, which later changed its name to Al-Aqsa.

The accused is charged with having become a member of a terrorist group and with aiding a terrorist group, thereby committing the criminal offense of Organizing a Terrorist Group under Article 202d paragraph 2 in conjunction with paragraph 1, all in conjunction with Article 201 of the CC of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The father of Ibro Cufurovic told the court that his son, had been a good child and an excellent student before allegedly falling under Bosnic’s influence.

He said that his son started working for Bosnic in the summer of 2013, looking after his sheep, and even lived with the man, who is a prominent figure in the conservative Wahhabi movement in Bosnia.

According to his father, he saw changes in his son’s behavior after he spent time with Bosnic.

“He started attacking me for not being a good Muslim, for not praying five times a day and for smoking, which is a sin. He told me I was an infidel,” Cufurovic said.

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