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GFATF - LLL - Mohammad Emwazi

Mohammad Emwazi

Born: 17 August 1988;

Place of Birth: Al Jahra, Kuwait;

Died: 12 November 2015, in Al-Raqqah, Syria (hit by a drone strike);

Citizenship: British;

Full name: Muhammad Jassim Abdulkarim Olayan al-Dhafiri.


Emwaz also known as Jihadi John, came to the UK in 1994 when he was six years old.

Emwaz is the person seen in several videos produced by the Islamic extremist group ISIS showing the beheadings of a number of captives in 2014 and 2015.

Emwaz was nicknamed “John” since he was part of a four-person terrorist cell with English accents whom they called “The Beatles” (the press started calling him “Jihadi John”). The other members of the cell are nicknamed “Ringo”, “George”, and “Paul”.

He is responsible for the beheading of seven western hostages. Also he is thought to be responsible for the deaths of 21 Syrian soldiers.

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