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Muslim World League


MWL is an Islamic non-governmental organization, with 36 satellite offices on five continents (including offices in New York, the District of Columbia, and London, England as well as ten “external centers” in Europe, and ten “external offices” in Africa and the Middle East).

The League is primarily funded by Saudi Arabia which seeks to sponsor and unify networks developed by the Islamic Revivalist or Salafi movements, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami. Notable activities are sending out religious missionaries, distributing the works of its main ideologists (particularly Ibn Taymiyya and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab) and “above all by raising funds for building mosques and subsidizing Islamic associations”. Among the League’s goals in its charter are spreading the message of Islam, uniting “the ranks of the Muslims”, and calling “on individuals, communities and state entities to abide by the rules of the Sharia.

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