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Omar Diaby

Born: 1976;

Place of Birth: Dakar, Senegal.


Omar Diaby also known as Omar Omsen, is the self-proclaimed emir of a katiba – or fighting group – of French jihadists in Syria, many of them hailing from the southeastern French city of Nice.

This group of approximately 50 fighters has participated in terrorist operations alongside the al-Nusrah Front.

Although assumed killed in August 2015, Diaby, re-emerged in May 2016, claiming his death was a ploy to allow him to travel to Turkey for an operation, to change his look.

Diaby came to the attention of French intelligence due to his involvement with a French extremist group and his online propaganda video series.

Diaby’s videos have been credited as the chief reason behind why so many French nationals have joined militant groups in Syria and Iraq.

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