About Us

Who we are

We are a global assembly of concerned journalists, who seek to fight world terrorism by exposing and eliminating its initiators, its funding, and its structures.

We are deeply worried of the growing numbers and the expansion of radical elements, who choose to terrorize civilian populations and subvert democracy and freedom, by the use of physical, sexual, and verbal violence. The threat of terrorism wears different forms and should be exposed to the world to fight it.

Our Project

Violent and extremist groups, global as well as local, need support by funds, arms, structures, and manpower. Some of them are supported by allegedly legitimate organizations and businesses. Terror is mostly derived from politics and its means. We believe that exposing these means is an effective way to reduce terror.

Therefore, we have created “Live and Let Live/Global fight against terrorism funding” as a long-term project, which aims at bringing to the public and to decision makers the necessary information about persons, institutions, companies and countries that contribute to the spread of global terrorism. The world needs to know the truth about terror – how it operates and who facilitates it. On this website, you will find the most updated information – including names, numbers, and other relevant details – assembled by international experts, regarding who stands behind the finances of groups such as (but not limited to) the Islamic State, Boko Haram, Hizballah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, thus allowing their continued terrorist activities.

Our Vision

Terror intentionally attacks innocent citizens, including children, women, elders, and innocent bystanders, injuring, killing, and kidnapping them. We wish to reduce global terror by bringing more knowledge and awareness to decision makers and the general audience. We wish our children to grow up in a better society and in a nonviolent world, free of the threat of terror, whatever its origin or creed may be.
