نصر الله – حامي إيران، مدمر لبنان
مرت ثلاثة عقود منذ تولى حسن نصر الله السلطة كأمين عام لحزب الله، بعد وقت قصير من تصفية عباس الموسوي. على مر السنين، كانت هناك...
مرت ثلاثة عقود منذ تولى حسن نصر الله السلطة كأمين عام لحزب الله، بعد وقت قصير من تصفية عباس الموسوي. على مر السنين، كانت هناك...
Three decades have passed since Hassan Nasrallah came into power as the general secretary of Hezbollah, shortly after the elimination of Abbas al-Musawi.
Ever since the start of the escalation in South Lebanon last October, with the harsh destruction and the dire economic situation of the residents of...
For many years now, Hezbollah has served as a major instrument of Iran to take over Lebanon, not only as a territory but as a...
Amphetamines have been around for more than a century, used to overcome ADHS, sleep deficiency and obesity. Well-known as Pervitin, used by the German Wehrmacht...
Over the last few months, we are witnessing a long line of assassinations of mainly top operatives, allegedly performed by Israeli units, acting in Lebanon,...
It is no secret that Qatar is currently the third largest importer of weapons and ammunition world-wide. Qatar has endless resources and can afford to...
In many ways, Qatar is completely misunderstood. No wonder – Qatar plays in the playgrounds of the empires, while in itself it is hardly more...
Qatar seems to be the “go-to guy” for almost anything important going on in the last few months, especially over the last weeks
Shortages of supplies in Qatar. Social media in Qatar has many remarks about shortages of supplies.
Mesmerizing testimony of a Gaza citizens last moments. So far we found proof for the existence of both young men in Gaza, photos of them...
Everything that Iran has planned for Hezbollah is reaching a peek point. The war in the South of Israel, the US fleet closing in from...