Houthis say they fired ballistic missiles and drones towards Israel

Houthis say they fired ballistic missiles and drones towards Israel

The Houthi group say they have fired ballistic missiles and launched drones at the Israeli city of Eilat.

“Our missiles and UAV forces fired a number of ballistic missiles and drones at various targets of the Zionist enemy in the Umm al Rashrash area, south of occupied Palestine,” a Houthi spokesman said.

Sirens sounded early this morning over Eilat, followed by videos posted online of what appeared to be an interception in the sky overhead.

Attacks on ships
The group also claim to have struck a British ship, causing a fire to break out on it – which correlates with our 4.39pm post, in which we told you the Palau-flagged (but British-owned) MV Islander was struck by two anti-ship ballistic missiles “causing one minor injury and damage”.

The Houthi also said they had attacked an American warship with drones, with the US earlier saying it had shot down six UAVs.

“[The Houthis] persist in upholding their religious, moral, and humanitarian duties towards the Palestinian people and in defence of their beloved Yemen in the face of American-British aggression,” the group’s spokesman added.

Source » sky.com