LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF LLL Mohammad Ataya

Mohammad Ataya

Terror organization: Hezbollah

Status: The commander of unit 1800 at its new form under Abu Jihad’s foreign operations unit.

Role: He was a senior operative in unit 1800 in its old form. Unit 1800 oversaw launching terror attacks inside Israel that will come from its “ring” countries – Jordan, Egypt, West Bank (less directly from Lebanon and Syria). Also, recruitments of new operatives in these areas, using smuggling of weapon and drugs including into Israel to crack society and funding Hezbollah in millions. The commander back then was Hajj Khalil Harb.

When the unit was totally exposed, it transformed to unit 133. That unit operated in more advanced methods and operated in in vast activity abroad with specific attention on the “ring” countries and Turkey. Mohammad Ataya was the head of unit 133, that did not achieve success in large scales at all.
Approximately in 2016 it started to operate under the command of Abu Jihad’s foreign operations unit until. In 2022 unit 133 was transformed again to unit 1800 under the command of Ataya as Hajj Khalil Harb became a supreme advisor.

Location: Lebanon.

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