No Safe Haven for Anti-Iran ‘Terrorist’ Media: Intelligence Minister

No Safe Haven for Anti-Iran ‘Terrorist’ Media: Intelligence Minister

Iranian Intelligence Minister Esmaeil Khatib warned hostile and “terrorist” media outlets, including the so-called Iran International TV channel, that nowhere in the world will they be safe from the Islamic Republic’s “offensive security” actions.

Speaking at a televised interview on Sunday night, Khatib said a number of satellite channels, most notably the Iran International TV channel, have been promoting terrorism, supporting separatists and backing measures recognized by international law as terrorist activities.

It is the Iranian Intelligence Ministry’s inherent duty to take appropriate action against any terrorist activity harming the Iranian nation wherever and whenever necessary, he stated.

None of the terrorist groups and media outlets promoting violence will be safe, the minister warned, stating that the support provided by various countries for the hostile media won’t prevent Iran from pursuing its purposes in taking offensive security actions.

The Iran International TV channel was founded in London in 2017 as part of a propaganda campaign against the Iranian government.

The television channel has been openly promoting monarchists, the highly-notorious Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terror group, and most significantly, separatist terrorists, in violation of the UK’s own media regulations.

In November 2022, the Islamic Republic designated the channel as a terror organization over its role in fanning the flames of violence during riots in Iran.

In an interview with Tasnim in February 2023, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani described the Iran International TV channel’s move to shift its operations from London to Washington, D.C., as a “puppetry and new theatrical measure” that reveals that the intelligence services of several countries are sharing responsibilities.

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