PA’s Abbas: Hamas’s military action on October 7 gave Israel excuse to attack Gaza with full force

PA’s Abbas: Hamas’s military action on October 7 gave Israel excuse to attack Gaza with full force

At an Arab League summit meeting in Bahrain, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas criticizes Hamas for its October 7 slaughter in southern Israel, because, he says, it gave Israel the “pretext” to carry out devastating attacks on Gaza.

“The military action that Hamas carried out, at its own decision, on that day, October 7, gave Israel even more excuses and reasons to attack in the Gaza Strip, an attack it has continued with full force, with murder, destruction and uprooting,” Abbas says, according to a Channel 12 translation.

“We oppose harming civilians, all civilians,” Abbas adds.

Abbas also reportedly issues veiled threats to cancel recognition of Israel, and to cease security cooperation with Israel.

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