Six Islamic State terrorists who used ICT to scout for terror recruits held guilty

Six Islamic State terrorists who used ICT to scout for terror recruits held guilty

A court has held six persons guilty in connection with an Islamic State case. The case was registered by the NIA in New Delhi and pertains to a larger conspiracy by the ISIS to establish its base in India by recruiting Muslim youth.

During the course of investigation, searches were conducted in various cities and 19 accused persons were arrested.

It was revealed that the accused persons had formed an organisation by name Junood-ul-Khilafa-Fil-Hind (a group seeking to establish Caliphate in India and pledging allegiance to ISIS/ISIL) to recruit Muslim youth to work for ISIS and commit acts of terrorism in India at the behest of one Yusuf-Al-Hindi.

This case was first of its kind in which terrorist conspiracy of this magnitude involving online radicalisation was effected on cyber space in the aftermath of declaration of Islamic Caliphate by Abu-Baqar-Al-Bagdadi in 2014.

No terror organisation prior to the emergence of ISIS had used ICT (Information Communication Technology) on such a large scale to scout, recruit, train and motivate its cadre for the acts of terror.

Utmost precaution was taken by them by using encrypted tools to keep the communication among the ISIS handlers and potential recruiters, both in India as well as abroad, secret.

Source: One India