Terrorists from Kashmir released footage from one of the deadliest attacks on the Indian Army

Terrorists from Kashmir released footage from one of the deadliest attacks on the Indian Army

Jammu and Kashmir police on Friday said terrorists want to glamourise violence by releasing a video, showing a deadly attack on security forces in Baramulla earlier this week.

“By releasing the video of the attack, the terrorists want to glamourise terrorism. But they can’t. We replied with actions and killed four top commanders, Sajjad alias Haider and FT Taimur Khan alias Abu Usman (seen in said video/attack), Naseer alias Sad bhai and FT Ali bhai alias Danish within 72 hours”, said the Kashmir police.

The video was released by terrorists two days after an attack in south Kashmir’s Baramulla district. The footage shows three of the terrorists launching a shooting spree on Indian forces after they were hiding in a gorge. The terrorists were filmed firing several rounds and changing magazines before absconding into the gorge again.

On 17 August, terrorists opened fire at a joint patrol party of the Indian Army and police on the main national highway. Three security personnel were killed on the spot, while all the terrorists succeeded in fleeing the scene.

The police later launched a massive hunt to nab the terrorists, and four of them were gunned down at separate intervals during the 72-hour operation.

A total of five Indian personnel were killed during the combat.

The issue of terrorism in Kashmir dates back to the 1990s, when Kashmiris began demanding independence. India has accused neighbouring Pakistan, which also lays claims to the region, of fueling secessionism.

Terrorists have carried out around 80 attacks in Jammu and Kashmir in 2020, killing 26 Indian security forces, 13 civilians, and injuring over 45 members of the Indian security forces.

Source: Sputnik News