Franjieh meets terrorist Assad

Franjieh meets terrorist Assad

Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh held a meeting last Wednesday in Damascus with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, accompanied by his wife, a highly informed Lebanese source said, despite recent denial of the visit by figures close to Franjieh.

Franjieh “tried to explore whether the Arab openness toward Syria would lead to Arab and Saudi acceptance of his election as president,” the source told the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper in remarks published Thursday.

Assad answered that his recent talks with Saudi officials “did not at all tackle Lebanon’s domestic files, but rather Hezbollah’s links to the regional arenas,” the source added.

Separately, the source said that “Franjieh is betting on what Russia has told him regarding its endorsement of his nomination and that this endorsement is being translated into quiet Russian efforts with Saudi Arabia in a bid to lift the veto off him.”

Source: msn