German lawmakers admit that Islamic State committed genocide against Yazidis

German lawmakers admit that Islamic State committed genocide against Yazidis

German lawmakers admitted that the practices committed by ISIS terrorists against the Kurdish-speaking Yazidi minority in northwestern Iraq in 2014 were genocide as described by United Nations investigators. According to Al-Arabiya news.

A member of the Green Party in Germany stated that recognizing the genocide is an essential step in overcoming the traumas inflicted on the Yazidi community, Al-Arabiya news reported.

The Green Party’s member added that a peaceful and safe life must be our ambition for the Yazidi community.

Germany has a large Yazidi community, and it is one of the few countries that have taken legal action against ISIS.

Last November, a German court convicted an Iraqi extremist of genocide against the Yazidi minority, in a precedent praised by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad, considering it a victory in the struggle to recognize the violations of ISIS.

The Yazidi minority, in particular, was subjected to persecution by the extremist organization of ISIS as women were taken captive and hundreds of men were killed.

A United Nations investigative team announced in May 2021 that it collected clear and convincing evidences that ISIS terrorists committed genocide against the Yazidis.

Source: Iraqi News