Hamas shows its true face: Wanton terror must be destroyed

Hamas shows its true face: Wanton terror must be destroyed

As the scope of the scale and depravity of Saturday’s Hamas terror attack on Israel that has killed more than 1,000 people became clear having retaken the invaded villages, towns and kibbutzim, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said Monday: “This war was imposed upon us by a despicable enemy — by savages who celebrate the murder of women, children, and the elderly.

“The atrocities carried out by Hamas have not been seen since the atrocities of ISIS. Children bound and executed with the rest of their families, young girls and boys shot in the back, executed, and other atrocities that I will not describe here.”

On Tuesday, President Biden, in his own solemn speech, spoke of the wanton murder and rape and “infants in their mothers’ arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, Holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage — hostages whom Hamas has now threatened to execute in violation of every code of human morality. It’s abhorrent.

“The brutality of Hamas — this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst — the worst rampages of ISIS. This is terrorism.”

Both men explicitly cited ISIS, the most nihilistic of terror groups that delighted in video beheadings and burnings and murder and rape of its victims. ISIS, like al Qaeda, had to be destroyed. And so it must be for Hamas, which imprisons 2 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip under their cruel dictatorships and seeks to kill Jews wherever they can be found. Those Gazans must be liberated and the terrorists must be eliminated from control.

It is going to be a difficult task and Israel has called up 300,000 reservists for its citizens army, not just to deal with Hamas in Gaza, but to ward off Iran’s other cat’s-paw, Hezbollah, from striking south from Lebanon.

That warning to Hezbollah and any other party itching to get involved was also part of Biden’s message yesterday, reinforcing the joint statement of solidarity he issued with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom to stand by Israel as she defends herself against the butchers of Hamas. The world’s most powerful warship, the Navy’s brand new carrier, named for Gerald Ford, is taking up station off the coast.

As Israel clears its territory, collecting bodies of terrorists and their victims, any pretense of Hamas waging war must be discarded. This is terrorism, mowing down hundreds of young people attending a desert music festival that promised “friends, love and infinite freedom.” If it is no different than flying hijacked jetliners into the World Trade Center, trying to kill as many people as possible.

Hamas has captured large numbers of hostages, promising video murders should Israel move against the terrorists. But Israel must move against Hamas, with a likely incursion into Gaza. It will be bloody for both sides and especially for the innocent Palestinians of Gaza that Hamas hides behind. That is exactly what Hamas wants, more death. The difference is that Hamas wants innocent civilians to die and Israel wants to avoid that. Which is why war is hell.

Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, said yesterday that the U.S. has been talking to Egypt about dealing with possible exit for Gazans.

We don’t know when or how Hamas will be struck by Israel, but the terrorists’ horrific rampage must mark their end.

Source » nydailynews.com