Jihadist who translated DAESH material into Spanish

Jihadist who translated DAESH material into Spanish

A recent case has illustrated the consequences when digital footprints lead to real-world consequences.

Details of a ground-breaking international operation were reported on Wednesday, February 21, in which a jihadist was apprehended in Santa Fe, Argentina, with the help of Spain’s Guardia Civil.

In collaboration with Central Court of Instruction No. 6 and the National Court’s Prosecutor’s Office, the Guardia Civil’s Information Service played a pivotal role, by providing crucial intelligence to Argentine security forces about a man highly active online, leading to his arrest.

Digital trails and international collaboration
The investigation kicked off in November 2023 when an individual emerged who was translating DAESH‘s terrorist propaganda into Spanish.

The individual not only translated materials but also disseminated content targeting Spain, including videos of the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks in 2017 and references to Muhammad Yasin Ahram Perez, known as ‘el Cordobes.’ His activities even caught the attention of the Spanish media, emphasising the impact of his online presence.

The cyber patrol’s discovery
Through diligent cyber patrolling, the Guardia Civil identified threats against Spain, tracing them back to Argentina. The collaboration with Argentine forces was swift, leading to the suspect’s arrest.

His online activities spanned several platforms, including Telegram, Discord, Instagram, YouTube, Archive.org, and Elements. He was a significant figure in Al-andaluzia publications, a media entity merging with Muntasir in 2020 to spread DAESH propaganda in Spanish.

A dangerous mix
The arrested individual’s efforts were not limited to translation. He actively encouraged violent jihadist actions through his posts. This case highlights the challenges and successes in tracking and apprehending individuals engaged in spreading terrorism online.

It underscores the importance of international cooperation and the relentless pursuit of those threatening security, both online and offline.

Source » euroweeklynews.com