Malta: Muslim migrants regularly posted ISIS and al-Qaeda videos on social media

Malta: Muslim migrants regularly posted ISIS and al-Qaeda videos on social media

“ISIS, Al-Qaeda footage shared by Syrian men charged with terrorism acts presented in court,” by Nicole Meilak, Malta Today, May 18, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Seven Syrian men charged with terrorism last month had been regularly posting videos of ISIS and Al-Qaeda leaders on social media, according to documents exhibited in court.

The court hearing against the seven Syrian men continued in court on Thursday before Magistrate Nadine Lia.

Two police sergeants exhibited social media posts in court belonging to the online accounts of the accused.

These posts included videos of Jihadi fighters, ISIS leaders, and Osama bin Laden giving a speech. Other videos glorified terrorist activities, including suicide attacks.

One device analysed by a police sergeant held content on how to make car bombs, pipe bombs and other explosive weapons at home.

Many of the videos would also have Jihadi chants, or nasheeds, playing in the background.

When one of the police sergeants was cross-examined by the defence, he clarified that no explosives were found in the possession of the accused. “But it’s clear that this material was downloaded by the suspects,” he said.

The sergeant pointed out that the content and bomb-making guides made use of materials that one can find easily at home….

Source » jihadwatch