LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF - LLL - Mohamad Farha

Muhammad ‘Abd-Al-Hadi Farhat

Terror organization: Hezbollah;

Status: is a unit 910 operative who deals with human resources and recruitment;

Role: Hamzah is one of the unit 910 operatives who leads the project for training Pakistani and Afghani proxy operatives;

Location: Unknown;

Born: 06 April 1967;

Place of Birth: Kuwait;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Lebanon;

Passport RL 2274078;

Address: Iraq;

Known also as: Mohamad Farha; Mohammad Farhat, aka Hamzah


Farhat has been involved in advising sectarian armed groups in Iraq on behalf of Hezbollah.

As of 2017, Farhat was tasked with collecting security and intelligence information in Iraq and subsequently providing reports to senior Hezbollah and Iranian leadership.

Farhat has been involved in a project to analyze and report on the Iraqi security situation for Hezbollah and the IRGC-QF.

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