Terrorists killed five and injured others along the Brinin-Gwari-Kaduna highway in Nigeria

Terrorists killed five and injured others along the Brinin-Gwari-Kaduna highway in Nigeria

Five persons have been killed by terrorists at Manini village, near Kuriga, along Brinin-Gwari-Kaduna highway.

The chairman, Brinin-Gwari Vanguards for Security and Good Governance, Alhaji Ibrahim Abubakar Nagwari, in a statement, explained that among the deaths were Saifudeen Lawal Isa, another male from Brinin-Gwari, one person from Kuriga and two others from Udawa.

According to him, the sad events occurred around 4:30pm when the terrorists opened fire on motorists along the highway on three occasions, adding that two women and five others were injured with bullet wounds.

He added, “The terrorists burnt to ashes a Tanker conveying 33,000 litres of fuel to Brinin-Gwari at the same Manini killing field.”

According to him, “the attack and killings in the area is on a daily basis”, stressing that it had further deteriorated the already traumatised vehicular movement along the Brinin-Gwari-Kaduna highway.

He noted that the precarious security situation along Birnin-Gwari-Kaduna road and the displacement of communities by the terrorists in the entire Emirate had escalated to the highest level, in which the movement of goods and persons was at the lowest ebbs.

He urged President Muhammadu Buhari, to as a matter of urgency, declare a total military operation without delay, for a full scale bombardment of all terrorists’ enclave in Brinin-Gwari forests and adjoining forests of Niger, Katsina and Zamfara States.

He also urged for speedy establishment of a special JAMB/CBT centre in Brinin-Gwari to allow students their rights to quality education, as movement to Kaduna was now a mirage due to the deteriorating security situation in the area.

Source: Daily Post