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GFATF LLL Muhammad Mahmoud Zalzli

Muhammad Mahmoud Zalzli

Hezbollah operative, works for unit 18000 of Quds Force as part of the Iranian air defenses project on Syrian soil

GFATF LLL Abbas Muhammad Al Dabs

Abbas Muhammad Al Dabs

Hezbollah operative, works for unit 18000 of Quds Force as part of the Iranian air defenses project on Syrian soil

GFATF LLL Fawzan Musa Khan

Fawzan Musa Khan

Was part of mostly Afghan squad of mercenaries, contractors of the IRGC, that were hired to gather intelligence and launch a terror attack on the...

GFATF LLL Ali Naqi Golparast

Ali Naqi Golparast

He supervises the transferring of military equipment to pro-Iranian militias, particularly in Syria and to Lebanon for Hezbollah


Abu Ali Masoud Nikbahet

He is a senior member of Quds Force, born in 1961. He was previously stationed in Syria for the purpose of managing Quds Force smuggling...


Hassan Zabouri Nejad

He is an important figure in the transfers of equipment and ammunition from Iran to Iraq


Masalim Farsa

He was one of the IRGC’s supervisors on the establishment of several chemical factories for Hezbollah in Lebanon. The purpose - developing and manufacturing missiles


Javad Saraai

Senior oprative commander at the Foreign division (800) of IRGC’s Intelligence Organizatino

GFATF LLL Hossein Hafez Amini

Hossein Hafez Amini

A key figure of the IRGC-QF network operating in Turkey and around it, has worked for years with operators from unit 840 of Quds Force.