LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF LLL Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa

Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa

Terror organization: Hamas;

Status: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Trend GYO;

Role: Served as a board member on several Hamas investment portfolio companies; Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa is the chief executive officer for Turkey-based Trend GYO, a Hamas-linked real estate investment fund. He has served as a board member on several Hamas investment portfolio companies.

As of 2018, Hamas elements held about 75 percent of Trend GYO’s issued capital. Additionally, Hamas planned to privately issue more than $15 million of Trend GYO’s shares to senior officials in the investment portfolio.

Location: Turkey;

Address: Turkey;

Born: 29 Apr 1964;

Known Also As: SHAVA, Amar; ALSHAVA, Amer; AL-SHAVA, Amer; AL-SHAWA, Amer; ALSHAWA, Amer Kamel;

Passport: U12937160 (Turkey)


Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa is Hamas operative and are part of Hamas’s investment network in Türkiye and Algeria. Türkiye-based Alshawa is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Trend GYO and has served as a board member on several Hamas investment portfolio companies.

Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa is designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Hamas

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