Islamic State terrorist group calls on God to increase coronavirus torment

Islamic State terrorist group calls on God to increase coronavirus torment

The Islamic State (ISIS) has released a new newsletter from their Al-Naba’ publication, which appears to be a follow up on their previous article in which the terrorist group instructed its followers on how to deal with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The terrorist group began their newsletter by stating that God “has imposed something of His painful torment on the nations of His creation,” claiming that this is God’s response to idolatrous nations.

While ISIS does not specifically call the virus by its official name, they do highlight the impacts the illness has had on the world’s population.

The newsletter’s author then calls on God to increase the torment against the idolatrous nations and protect the believers from any harm.

“We ask God to increase their torment and save the believers from all that. Indeed He is harsh of punishment against the one who rebels against Him, and merciful to the one who obeys Him and stands with Him,” the terrorist group said, as quoted by researcher Aymenn Al-Jawad.

The terrorist group stated that this illness has forced the “crusader nations” to go into retreat and increase the presence of their militaries inside their own countries in order to contain the spread of the virus.

Source: Almasdar News