Terror Financing

GFATF LLL Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada

Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada

The Department of State is today designating Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) and its Secretary General Hashim Finyan Rahim al-Saraji as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. KSS...

GFATF LLL Abukar Ali Adan

Abukar Ali Adan

Ali Adan is designated for being deputy leader of al-Shabaab. According to Reuters, back to March 2010, he was Shabaab’s “chairman” along the border with...

GFATF LLL Zaher Jabarin

Zaher Jabarin

Turkey-based Jabarin is the head of Hamas’s Finance Office. In this capacity, he manages Hamas’s yearly budget amounting to tens of millions of dollars, is...